Friday, 25 August 2017

Early Pregnancy Thoughts

I'm copying over somethings I wrote in the early weeks of pregnancy on my phone.  I only kept it up for a few weeks but I felt worth putting on here anyway.

Friday 4th August - week 6

Two weeks ago my period didn't come and I started to wonder. It still didn't come and I started to feel occasionally more nauseous than normal, just like I sometimes feel in the car. I started to read more of the NHS website pregnancy section and read that the bad gums I had could be a pregnancy sign. On Wednesday 2nd August I felt nauseous all morning and didn't really want to do anything. It felt a bit better after lunch and reading some Harry Potter. I felt fine in the evening at Scottish dancing and figured it was probably fairly psychosomatic and if I was distracted I'd be fine. I took a pregnancy test that I'd bought at a local chemist. It was about as inconclusive as it could possibly be. The second line that should say whether you're pregnant was so faint that you had to squint in some lights and we weren't sure if we were imagining it. I bought another one from the supermarket along with some pregnacare vitamin tablets. I took it Thursday morning and it was quickly conclusive. I rang to make an appointment at the doctors and the first one was for 3 weeks time...! Oh well, at least I'm booked in. My biggest challenge at the moment is trying to remember which foods I should and shouldn't eat. No real other signs or symptoms at the moment other than some sore boobs and a slight aversion to eating as much as I normally do.

Friday 11th August - Week 7

Not a lot to report this week. The only (and omnipresent) noteworthy occurrence has been the fairly constant nausea. It has been slightly better in the evenings but it has felt present all the time. Sometimes worse than others. And I think it's still the case that if I'm distracted then it's better for me. I'm nauseous, tired, listless and pathetic on the days spent just at home. John has been great at letting me rest and not complaining at my complete lack of cooking or washing up or tidying. Nausea often increases when I open the fridge. Monday and Tuesday I had sleeps during the day which I really enjoyed and is very unusual for me. Wednesday morning I had my first actual being sick, which was disappointing as I'd hoped that maybe I wouldn't actually do that and so now I'm more on edge when I'm feeling nauseous in public. On Sunday I'd gone to get a pan while eating breakfast as it did seem like a possibility. I think on Wednesday I'd left it too long after waking before actually eating and had been in and out of the fridge a bit and then when I started to feel really bad it was too late for me to eat anything to settle my stomach which is what normally seems to help. We had JR staying with us and I managed to get to the bedroom where there was a plastic empty food pot that did the trick. It just seemed to be the orange juice that I had drunk. I thought that was all I was going to have to report but Thursday night I was sick in the sink after brushing my teeth. I do often gag a little when finishing brushing my teeth and sadly this time a small portion of dinner came up too. Then after a moment pause, the rest of the sausage, mash and courgettes came up too and filled the whole sink. Yuck! Oddly today I have felt much better and far less nauseous. I had a low moment about 12 o'clock where I went back to full on nauseous but after forcing some crackers down and a little burp it went away again. Hopefully this is an encouraging sign of things to come. The other thing I have found hard to get used to is appetite and feeling full. I definitely have to eat frequently and can't wait half an hour or more for food which I would have done easily before. It's then really weird that there haven't been many meals that I have been able to finish - so not like me! Still have firmer sorer boobs but nothing else yet.

Friday 18th August - Week 8
(Although actually writing on Monday 21st)

Not too much to report this week. Continued to feel sick and was sick about 4 times I think at all different times of day and stages of digesting. Had a horrible spell on Thursday morning of retching without being sick. Eating continued to be tricky, the standard being small meals as was quickly full and a Crisp Kingdom with me constantly to help me out between meals. On Thursday morning I went to the dentist and he was the first person I told I was pregnant. He was very nice and helpful and mainly talked with a short look in my mouth at the end.
Thursday night and Friday I felt far less nauseous and ate normally which was exciting and encouraging!

Friday 25th August - Week 9

After a good start to the weekend, I was sick again on Sunday. It's been a tricky week in that we have spent every evening with different people but managed to contain sick so far...