Welcome to the blog

I feel I need a little page of introduction to the blog.  As recently I have mentioned this blog to two other people, (taking it's potential readership up to four!) I feel I would like something for people to refer to, to get an idea of what the blog means to me.

I am (a little shamefully) proud of this blog.  I have kept it going properly since the beginning of 2010.  Having said that, I also feel that a blog is quite an egotistical thing to have and feel people would not look kindly at me for having one, so that is why I have shied away from sharing it with other people.

On my teacher training PGCE we had to keep a reflective blog of our ICT use particularly in schools.  So that was this blogs original use and then it became my blog starting with the Coming Back? post.  There is a little introduction to me in this musicals post from back in February, explaining my loves!

What to look at if you're visiting the blog?  On the right hand side of the blog you can see the Labels section (small picture of them on the left).  You can click on any of these that interest you to see all the posts relating to that section.
The largest category is Photos of the year.  To find out what that is all about you can start at the original post.
Life emotions is a fairly random category relating to things I have done that have made me feel happy, sad, excited, confused...  they are unlikely to relate to each other.
The other major things are the musicals posts (try to record about whenever I go to theatre) and the F1 posts (blog when compelled to do so by Formula 1).  The blog related posts are just really to remind myself of ways to do things on the post that I might forget how to do!

26/2/11 I have just learnt from a friend how to do the tabs a bit better at the top of the page so now there are links straight to some of the more prominent blog series rather than going to the labels list.  There are two tiers of tabs, but I guess thats not such a bad thing. 

The other thing to mention is please feel free to comment on any of the posts that interest you.  It would make me feel really good to know that someone has read something I have written!
Many thanks.
written 22/12/10

24/12/10 Another thing to mention is that I sometimes publish posts before I have finished writing them.  If you come across a post that doesn't seem complete, please comment about it as it will remind me to get on and finish it!!  Thanks!