Sunday, 16 January 2011

Musical - The King and I

As part of my Christmas present John's family took me to see the King and I - one of my favourite musicals (think I may try add it in to my top 5 list!) as part of their family outing between Christmas and New Year.  I was very excited about it and in preparation had watched half the film when I was ill.  And I had sung quite a few of the songs with John's Mum beforehand.

It was in an exciting new theatre that I really liked, most especially how they somehow opened up the sides of the wings after the show you could see all props and costumes there.  I was in my element!  The show was top stuff too.  It took me a while to settle into - think I was so anxious and comparing it initially.  My big hope was that Anna's dresses would be as large and sumptuous as I hoped and they didn't disappoint!  Also on top form was the King's voice - it really sounded like he had memorised Yul Brynner's script and intonation!  Interestingly most of the other people that went seemed to enjoy the 'Small House of Uncle Thomas' performance which I had never particularly loved.  Really kind to have been taken, thank you very much,   I definitely enjoyed!

My previous King and I experience...  When I was 16/17 and had been watching old neighbours on UK Gold on Saturday morning, I discovered The King and I on after it, but had missed the first half hour, maybe I had gone to shower??  I came in at the March of the Siamese Children and was totally captivated by the music.  I think I may have watched the rest and maybe recorded it from the beginning and really liked it.  We then (I am not sure if it was as a consequence, or pre-arranged, or coincidence) but we went to see it at the London Palladium with Grandma G.  We saw a signed production and Josie Lawrence was Anna.  I fully loved it!  Anna's dresses, especially the 'Shall We Dance' one... wow!  And the very cute little children, especially the one that hid under Anna's dress!  I asked the Chickbeans for the DVD afterwards for birthday or Christmas and definitely love it, and for such a long film have watched it a surprising number of times.  My favourite songs are easily 'Shall We Dance' (can sing the whole intro), 'Getting to Know You' (want to sing to my class!) and March of Siamese Children.  Well done Rogers and Hammerstein.  This sparked my interest in their musicals.

Christmas 2010

Wasn't sure whether to do a whole post about Christmas but looking through the photos choosing photo of the day, i decided it would be nice to share more photos.  Autocollage would be ideal though...

And the wonderful Mamma has obliged!

Good family times :-)  and with snow!

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Photos of the year - week 48

Week 48????  How close is that to 52!!!

Monday 3rd January
A 90 degree turn on the late night photo shoot to reveal my bedside table.

Tuesday 4th January
Sunrise over power station driving to school for inset day

Wednesday 5th January
rearrangement of the classroom for the first day of term.

Thursday 6th January
my John dedications

Friday 7th January
slightly unorthodox PE lesson using boxes!

Saturday 8th January
time together going to see Cirque Du Soleil

Sunday 9th January
ill in bed...


Photos of the year - week 47 - Christmas holidays Part 2

Monday 27th December
An evening seeing the King and I in Leicester

Tuesday 28th December
Can I say again that I think John took a photo or two?

Wednesday 29th December 
Wonderful wonderful winter walk time together

Thursday 30th December 
Santa driving along!

Friday 31st December 
Amazing ice skating experience

Saturday 1st January
New Year's Day walk

Sunday 2nd January
King of his Kingdom


Photos of the year - week 46 - Christmas holidays Part 1

Monday 20th December
Rumbly ice skating in Hyde Park.
Tuesday 21st December
hmmm, seem to remember John took some photos today

Wednesday 22nd December 
presents from my boyfriend on another sick day

Thursday 23rd December 
home for Christmas!

Friday 24th December 
rockin robbin in the snow!

Saturday 25th December 
Merry Christmas family!

Sunday 26th December
a snapshot of our Christmas lounge


Wednesday, 12 January 2011

New Year

Wow - my first post of the year - hasn't it been a bit of a while. Will try get caught up with photos of the year - the end is in sight for that. Not sure how many photos i have for the last few weeks but I will try.

This isn't a great epic post looking back on the last year and looking to the year ahead. Because, in fact, I am ill in bed yet again. But I am on the mend with wellness in sight. Horray. I'm just really putting off going and getting some lunch. But it's good that I fancy lunch. I am going to try made a soup - by just blending up a load of food that I think looks yummy!!

So here we go! ... with ... life?