Saturday 5 November 2016

Life Lately

Unfortunately the Blogger App on my phone seems to have got a bug and automatically shuts down within a few seconds of starting a post.  I'm using that as my excuse for not writing all the blogs that I have got going around in my head at the moment.  I'm using this nice relaxed afternoon to get on with some jobs and also have a go at some nice blogging. 

I thought I would start with a selection of random photos of nice things that I have been upto and see where I go from there.

Here are some cookies I had a go at making.  Still room for improvement, but at least I've tried!

John is not as much of a keen reader as I am, so I always find it exciting when I spot him choosing to read. Here he is in the kitchen reading one of his birthday presents.

 Just looking cute this afternoon on our lazy Saturday.
 Playing on of John's birthday presents - the game 'Splendor'.
I was pretty entertained that we could just travel with our backpacks last year, but we were this far from travelling light for half-term!

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