Tuesday 14 February 2017

January's plastic

Here it is!  We tried to keep aside all the plastic we were going to throw away in January.  I was going to do it for a week, but then that didn't feel like it would be representative, so I decided to do it for a month.  But I think I must have got slack and started putting some plastic in the regular recycling bin as I feel sure it must have been more than this!

'The Book' (have I even really talked about what the book is?)  includes a list of questions for the Show Your Plastic Challenge.  I'll try answering some of them.

Q: Looking at my photo and list, what feelings arise for me?
A: Where's the rest? I can I live without this stuff.  How can I live without chocolate?  Why are cards and magazines in plastic?  What about when people (/school children) give us gifts in plastic?  I realise these are probably not classed as feelings!

Q: What items could I easily replace with plastic-free or less plastic alternatives?
A: I rather think the easy to replace things we have already done back in September. And then more we have looked into at the packaging refill market stall. So this is tricky!

Q: What items would I be willing to give up if a plastic-free alternative doesn't exist?
A: Ummm, not sure I can think of anything... Ready made sweet things. Heat in microwave rice etc.

Q: What items are essential and seem to have no plastic-free alternatives?
A: toothpaste. Paracetamol. Quorn. Cheese.

Q: What lifestyle change(s) might be necessary to reduce my plastic consumption? 
 A: start making my own bread. Start smoothie-ing again. Milk from the market.

Q: What one plastic item am I willing to give up or replace this week?
A: Chocolate chips for cooking. The chocolate bars are in paper.

Q: What other conclusions, if any, can I draw?
A: We are on the right track. It's very hard when you are given plastic things as gifts. Plastic is everywhere!!!

Let's see how this spurs me on to reduce plastic...

TES magazine package
Royal mail package
Spaghetti wrapper
Cold and flu tablet case
Chocolate chips bag x2
Tissue box plastic bit x2
Courgette package
Cling film
Cadbury dairy milk wrapper
Toothpaste tube
Pitta bread wrapper x2
Contact lens cases x 4
mouth wash bottle
Orange juice carton caps x3 (must be more!)
Grated cheese bags x2
Warburton's toastie pockets wrapper
Oatcake wrapper x2
Milk bottles x3
Microwave quinoa and rice packet
Satsuma bags x2
Quorn mince bag
M&S caramel crispy tub
Chocolate orange wrapper and holder
Chocolate biscuit casing
Individual Chocolate wrappers x16
Supermarket veg plastic bags x7 (lots more used for rubbish bags
Toiletries gift packaging
New pillow bag
Heat in the oven baguette wrappers
Shower spray bottle
Random packaging?
Mr Muscle two bottle costco packaging
Cereal bag
Greetings card bag
9 unidentified clear plastic bag wrappers

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