Friday 16 March 2018

New Life in 2018 - Catherine's Christmas Message 2017

John got me one of the most unusual and special Christmas Gifts last year which still makes me well up, as I did the first time I heard it.  I mentioned back on the Return from Travel post that I had really enjoyed listening to Dave Henson's Leicester City Champions Song. Well, I continued to be obsessed by it and on one overnight coach journey in South America, I listened to it continuously through the night in my headphones until I had learnt all the words including the rap.  So for Christmas last year John contacted Dave and we were absolutely blown away by what he created.  Such a special song that really brought it home to me for the first time that a baby was on the way and we would be parents.  I am not sure I will be able to write my hopes and dreams down for our baby in the elegant way I see on blogs, but I feel this song sums it all up.

Now to find a way to get the audio on the blog. 

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