Thursday, 12 April 2018

Wittertainment Baby

Another Witter-fail:

Dear Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham,

As an LTL and MTECNYRO (many time emailer; correspondence not yet read out) I have a similar story to many wittertainees. I was inducted into the siblings' side-chapel of the church by my sister, Catherine, more than 10 years ago and since then we have played the all too common andrenaline-filled wittertainment game of 'will they/won't they read out my email'. Since joining the church, we have emailed about foolish long distance sporting events, far flung podcast-listening, wittertainment related real-life instances (WRRLIs) and even occasionally about films; so far with no success. On writing this email on Thursday evening Catherine has just headed off to hospital to give birth to her first child- a task for which she feels wildly underprepared as even reading the chapter titles of the childbirth book made her feel nauseous. Although hopefully the worst will be over when the show airs, in case it's not, her only 'birth plan' involved listening to the podcast so I know she would very much appreciate some encouraging words on how you give birth to a baby and how to be a parent from the only doctors she has faith in.

Love the show Steve

Lizzie from Bristol
MSc Global Health
BSc Occupational Therapy
Blue Peter Badge Holder

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