We had talked back in October with a friend about going to see this before Christmas, but by the time I looked in to tickets they were all booked up. In the new year we tried again, but again had to book for further ahead than we really wanted and we ended up choosing between 2 dates in March, but we did get them booked and were looking forward to it. The week before we were due to go, we realised we didnt have any tickets, so we looked up emails and John found the confirmation... for two weeks previously!!!! We'd missed it!!!! I felt so super gutted. And it was just for us, a friend was coming especially for it! Having sat in shock for a little while, we found out there were still some tickets available. Oddly enough, we could buy 1, 2 or 4, so we phoned Lizzie and she was free and wanted to come. So an additional bundle of money, but we had tickets.
I definitely loved this set so much!
The child actors were amazing. They definitely stole the show and were fab. Matilda definitely had so many lines and performed them so well. The music didnt grab me totally at the time. Until the second half had started and a song came on which gave me a pang as I realised I recognised it from somewhere and I was feeling all sentimental towards it, but then I realised I recognised it from listening to the soundtrack in the car in the morning!! But it was still my favourite bit of the show: 'When I Grow Up', and I have loved watching these youtube videos of it since. I loved the swings on the stage and John and Lizzie laughed at me for gasping and clapping my hands together at one point in it!