This post and event fits with quite a few of my return from travel resolutions. Whilst out with Rose Hill Runners (exercise check!) one runner mentioned the event that the Rose Hill and Iffley Low Carbon Group were holding that Thursday 29th September at the Rose Hill Community Centre. I was keen to go as it fitted with doing local community things and also Eco things. John was kind enough to come with me. We arrived just on 8pm and I was pleased there was someone inside directing us to the talk. She said to someone else 'its standing room only' and I wondered if that was a joke. But it turned out to be true and they were awaiting another delivery of chairs which we were delighted to see arrived curtesy of our larger than life neighbour. There must have been over 100 people in the room.
I enjoyed, as I often too, smiling to myself and marvelling at the assortment of people there who are quite different from the circles I normally frequent. And yet I was feeling that these were in theory the sort of person I was hoping to become more towards. The chair person of the group started by defending the photo of her in a car saying it was the local electric car share.
The talk was by Alan Rushbridger whom it turns out many people have heard of. He was Editor of the Guardian and is now Principal of LMH College. He wasn't a good speaker and many in the audience couldn't hear. I was glad that I just could. He spoke about the reasoning and planning of the 'Keep it in the ground' campaign that he instigated at the Guardian which I was disappointed to realise I had completely missed. I felt pleased that they had run the campaign.
So an interesting evening and very pleased that I was able to go and be part of it.