Saturday 22 October 2016

Folk at the Isis

I'd love to know what this group or this event is really called. But it's fun to be here. We've only been a couple of times before. I think they meet on the second Friday of the month at the Isis tavern. It's a great thing to witness and although I'd loved the ability to be able to join in, it's also wonderful that I can enjoy it fully from a spectator's point of view. 

It's an evening in spontaneous music and joining in with whatever instrument you have brought. There's singing and poetry and Viking hat wearing! It's often quite noisy and there's still people bringing food round. It's filling up more and more as people come out of the cold.  I love the feeling of people joining in. We currently have a rendition of 'all about the bass' and earlier we had a tune that I'm sure I enjoy dancing to in Scottish dancing. We are sat slightly round the corner here so it's mainly listening rather than watching. I did enjoy the sight of the kazoo and tiny tambourine though - that's maybe what I could aim towards! 

I really enjoy the feeling I get at times like this of both feeling I'm in a scene in a film and also like this is proper life and these are the moments I need to treasure. A special feeling that both lifts my heart and can make me a little teary too! 

 This last one was taken for the viking hat in the background. "Thou shalt respect the hat and thou shalt not hog the hat".

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