Thursday 20 April 2017


I felt that after my (rather poor) blogs on political occurrences of the last couple of years (Election 2015 and Referendum 2016) that Tuesday's surprise announcement that there would be a General Election this year on 8th June deserved some blog action.  But really there isn't an awful lot to say.  Fortunately some great excitement occurred last night so I felt the two together merited blog time!  So feel free to skip the political bit to read about the real great times at the bottom!

While sitting at the computer on Tuesday I got this group message from a teacher friend:

Apart from the despair that conservatives will get re-elected as labour is in disarray... on the bright side... YIPPPEEE - Poling day = closed school!!

I puzzled and wondered if there was a bi-election today so I went on the BBC site and there was the announcement with Teresa May live.  I really did feel excited - not necessarily in a happy or worried way, but just in a 'this is momentous' way.  I find it odd that our country can hold elections so quickly.  We followed the US election for at least a year before it happened and with all the talk of the Dutch, French and German elections this year, it rather seemed like the UK didn't want to miss out.  I will be interested to see if there are many changes of seat and although there will be certain things I am hoping for, my main feeling is that not a lot will change. 

So now the really special news...!!  We went to have dinner and play games with some new aquaintances last night.  We cycled: I'd like to say it was because we are naturally athletic people, but really it was because the car was in the garage.  We cycled out of there place after 10.30 at night, fairly city centre, and were waiting at the lights, when towards us and over us a Barn Owl flew!!!!!!!!  It was fairly low flying and directly towards us so we were able to see it clearly and have no doubt what it was.  It was gone within seconds but it felt like such a magical occurrence.  This is the first time I have confidently been able to say 'I have seen an owl in the wild'.  Wow! Special special times! 

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