Wednesday, 23 May 2018

It's OK

Writing about enjoying life with my Bonnie, made me realise how much I have appreciated hearing the struggles that others go through, so that I know when non-ideal things happen to me that 'It's OK'.  And being a list liker, here I will try to record them.  These are all things that we have heard from others, either since having Bonnie or from before but I've remembered, and we have found to be true. I feel if I was on twitter this is where I'd start #itsok.

  • It's ok to drop food on your baby's head as you eat dinner while cuddling them or having them in a sling. I found a pea wedged in Bonnie's neck once when taking her out of the sling.
  • It's ok to take night shifts if you're baby won't sleep in the night.  John and I did this for most of Bonnie's first week home from the hospital as she wouldn't sleep if we put her down.  This wouldn't have occurred to me as acceptable if I hadn't heard of others doing this for several months.
  • It's ok for the husband to sleep in another room, or even another house.  Just because they are not up in the night as often, doesn't mean an uninterrupted night's sleep isn't incredibly important to them and ultimately to you. It isn't a bad reflection on your marriage.
  • It's ok to love your baby so much but also have times that you would like to through them out of the window.  I haven't felt this yet, but I appreciate hearing others say this.
  • It's ok to be out in public with baby sick on your clothes.
  • It's ok to answer the door in your dressing gown, or even breastfeeding!
  • It's ok not to be able to cook.  I couldn't even take salad out of a bag and put it on plates!
  • It's ok to eat cake and biscuits in the middle of the night. A lot.
  • It's ok for your baby to go to sleep in the same clothes they wore during the day. No one told us that one... we've just gone with it.
  • It's ok for your baby to wear any assortment of clothing.
  • It's ok to achieve nothing around the house and to have nothing to show for it at the end of the day except a baby who is alive.
  • It's ok to go to a baby group and for your baby to sleep through it all.  It's good enough you're out the house and you might make some friends.
  • It's ok for your baby to cry in public.
  • It's ok not to know what you're doing and make it up as you go.
  • It's ok to spend so long jiggling your baby that you don't know how to stay still.
  • It's ok not to be on time for anything, best to give yourself an arrival window of an hour and any time within that is a success. (23/5/19)
  • It's ok not to shower.

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