I wrote some notes at half time (hehe, must have world cup on the brain) thinking about the blog, but it was just quite minor little quibbles and so all you'll get from that is this photo.
The important thing to be said is wow - what a finale!!!!!!! One of the things I do remember from my 8th Birthday trip is that it had a good finale. But just why it was good, all that I can really think about now is that it was colourful and maybe Philip Schofield took his wig off... and maybe he went on a raised platform, but that could just be from the Lee Mead one a few years ago! Whatever it was like, the impression was a goodun and it was up there with Saturday Night Fever (when I remember everyone up off their seats clapping and boogeying away).
Anyway - tonight they totally outdid themselves! There was a very slow rendition of Any Dream Will Do, then they went into a really quick version which was great. But then there must have been about 4 encore numbers - what a megamix!! For the last one (or was it two) I even found myself doing my own personal circle standing ovation! They were showing energy, there was colour, movement, funkiness - just loved it!!!! I found myself mouthing 'strange as it seems...' with all my might! I was dead gutted not to have been in the stalls when the brothers ran down the aisles there! Those 10, 15? minutes totally made the evening for me.
Go Go Go Joseph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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