Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Flood - a spectator sport

Who would think you could have such an enjoyable time watching a flood?

19/8 Oh my goodness!  Blog update! I added some photos to a post last night in the usual way and had the usual pang of  'uhh, this is time comsuming, can't I click on several at once?'.  Then this morning I come to add these photos and it's a new system and I added them all at once!!!!  Yay!

Was walking into town with friends on Saturday and we thought the clouds weren't looking great, and then it started to rain and in a matter of moments, absolutely pour!!  We took shelter in the pub vestibule on the opposite side of the road.  Soon there were mini white water rapids going down the road and look at the gushingly over flowing gutters:
 Our dry retreat turned on us as water started leaking through the light fitting above.  It was all slightly hysterical!

Then came the ultimate form of entertainment.   We decided rain had lessened (probs about 20 mins later..) and we ventured out.  Just down the road from us was the bridge under the railway that had totally flooded up and so we started watching and it was addictive!!
 Not so funnly for them, one car hadn't made it through and was stopped at the end of the flood - car on the right.

 It was an amazingly entertaining time of cheering, clapping, gasps (check out the crazy cyclist!),  held breath, community spirit...

 It really made the afternoon!

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