I wonder if this is the first time I have done a
second post about going to see the same Musical? Exciting! This has been quite a big Les Miserables year. The film of the musical came out in January and we had an 11am (earliest we could get) trip to see it with the Rascals in Cambridge on the first Saturday it was out. We had such a good time, though I came out saying I still preferred the stage. But I was really impressed with how true it was to the stage show. And was absolutely astonished to hear they recorded the singing live on set while acting it - how amazing. We have since had many a Les Mis sing-along together. And we watched the 25th Anniversary DVD in two epic cry-fest installments together.

This was a birthday gift to D and we made the most of it with a day trip in London including picnic in Hyde Park, where we gave him the tickets - good surprise! We were all so excited anticipating it and it didn't disappoint. I, as the unmusical one, was super impressed with how the voices filled the theatre. We were up in the highest circle but still good.

Lots of fun times and we now have many a favourite Les Mis related youtube session!
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