The title is inspired by one of my favourite films that I happened to mention on both dates ;-)
So... last Tuesday my housemates and I went speed dating. That was something that I never thought I would do - far too corny and desperate! But just before Christmas a friend of mine told me she was on an online dating site and by the end of the evening I had been converted and was on it too! What a slippery slope...
Tuesday night came with varying degrees of excitement and apprehension! Almost turned around when I went in at the look of some of the guys. The age range was 26-35 and it appeared to me that most of the girls were at the lower end whereas the guys were at the higher end. It did turn out quite fun though, and there weren't that many awkward silences during each of the four minute dates! I ticked three guys and was highly flattered to receive 16 ticks out of 21 guys - what an ego boost! I received emails from two of the guys hence the two sunday dates.
How much detail do I go into? Do I try to protect people's feelings? Not that I have bad things to say.
Well, I guess first I will discuss the ambulance part. I was part way through getting ready for date number 1 with about half an hour till I was to be at the ice rink (points for fun suggestion) when the doorbell rang and there was a man there holding a piece of paper saying
HOSPITAL TIA? (although I didn't realise that's what it said for a while)
Turned out it was my next door neighbour who was having a stroke and couldn't speak. So I called an ambulance and they were there when I hung up the phone. I hung around in his lounge while the paramedics took vitals and tried to get as many details as possible while he was writing things down. Although I offered, I didn't go to the hospital with him. When he got in the ambulance it was 2 o'clock - date time. So I phoned the guy apologising and explaining what had happened but saying I would be along as soon as I could. I think that's when the shock set in and it was a possibility that I was going to burst into tears on the phone. It was liberating in a way, having planned my outfit and make-up, just to head out the door as I was.
My neighbour's son came round this evening. He had just got back from hospital and was able to speak now and it was really good to hear more details, though I was more shook up again afterwards. Very pleased he's doing well.

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