I was wondering what to get Lizzie for a birthday present when I happened to hear that Dr K had an autobiography out. Feeling chuffed that this was a good idea I headed to waterstones (because Borders had closed down and it was closer than Blackwells and it was cold! not that I'd normally avoid, was just explaining the fairly randomness) as she had recently become a convert/addict and we have been able to compare notes on podcasts and i have been introducing her to some of the classics (Mamma Mia, Pirates). As a man was leading me to where the book was, he asked if i knew mark was coming to oxford for a book signing... what!!!!! excitamento!! March 1st, Playhouse theatre, talk and book signing and later turned out film showing as well!! truly couldn't have been more perfect. I was so excited about giving her present and her reaction didn't disappoint. She was as keen to go as me so i booked two tickets and turned out to be on the last row of the circle - he is that popular!
Book signing was before the talk, but Lizzie decided she would be too nervous to get him to sign it so we decided to eat and then head over in time for the talk. Sitting in noodlenation awaiting our food at 6.40 I looked at the tickets and discovered the talk was at 7pm, not 7.30 as imagined so it was a mighty wolf down of the noodles, spring rolls and tofu puffs! Got to the theatre round the corner for 7 and were slightly smug to see signs saying the signing would now not be before the show but at the interval. We got our seats and awaited the big moment. Audience was fairly mixed though i would say the biggest contingent were 20-35 male.
My liking of Mark Kermode is a little bizarre and I think the best way to describe it is to quote the one and only 'Hello to Jason Isaacs'. I have gone back to find the podcast from after the Sony win to get it right: 'you've transcended the subject material of your show because people listen just to be entertained and they completely ignore all your opinions.' It's totally the way I feel. For quite some time, my views were that I would like stuff mark doesn't, and never see something he likes (back in the Pan's Labyrinth days). But then things got confused when he 'liked' Mamma Mia and our views crossed. But now it is just so rare that I have ever seen a film that is being reviewed and excitingly novel when I can understand and relate to the review.
Sooo, quite a lot of the talk went a long way over my head, especially the horror film references. But it was still ultimately way exciting!
to be continued...after a night not getting to bed till gone midnight, 10 o'clock tonight is pushing it!
7/3 Mark was exactly like he seems on 5Live. He talked in exactly the same manner and he even said some of the exact same things that I'd heard on the podcast as I was walking there, but that wasn't a let down, as I do enjoy watching and listening to his things over and over! Lizzie and I were suitably excited when he came onto stage; we held hands and kept squeezing if there was something significant. He talked for about an hour and then had questions from the audience for about 20 minutes. There were some interesting questions but I like to think most people were in awe like us! There was an interesting discussion about whether to see the exorcist and Mark surprised by saying no. There was a mention about the Hyde Park Picture House so Lizzie and I nudged each other then! The final question was asking if Mark was - oh no I've forgotten the phrase now, will have to check with Lizzie who was very good at explaining it to me, something to do with Hitler and Stalin - and if that affected his reviews. 3/4 Just asked her and she says it's a 'cult of personality'. Mark gave a special comment to the guy who had asked the question so Lizzie and I thought he must be so honoured.
Our seats were at the back by the door by the stairs that you would have to go up at the interval to get your book signed by Mark. By this point Lizzie was feeling a bit keener on the idea so we did indeed dash up and joined the queue, we made it into the room of the signing - which turned out to be very near the front of the long line. We were nervous but had a while to discuss how we were going to manage it, what we might say, if we were able to get photos.
We excitedly called Ma and basked in our glory then it was time to head back into the theatre to watch the film. It was 'It's a Wonderful Life' which neither I nor Lizzie had ever seen but were keen to as being one of those classics shown at Christmas time. Mark came back on stage to do an intro for it. He said the exorcist is his favourite film but there are a few that float around the number 2 spot including 'It's a wonderful life' and 'Local Hero'. He talked about how he makes his family watch it every Christmas and they always ask him why they are watching it as they are bawling their eyes out. I was quite looking forward to a sob fest. Although I was finding it sad I didn't feel like I was about to cry at any point. And then it seemed like the film was about to end. And indeed it was at most 2 minutes from the end and all was happy now and I totally burst into tears!!! I was so surprised but also kinda pleased ;-) The lights went up and I was pleased to discover Lizzie had had a really similar situation as well as quite a bit of the audience seemingly! We walked out back home dabbing our eyes as we went.
Totally lovely evening. So grateful to Lizzie for being able to share it with her!
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