Lap 1 - good start, well not, but yes. McLarens 2nd and 4th on ditry side both dropped a place off the line but both got back up there by the end of the lap.
Something I discovered yesterday during quali: the F-duct on the McLaren that the drivers block with their leg to disrupt the aerodynamics in a straight line to give them more speed and the other teams are copying, is so called because it was located at the F in Vodafone on the nose (monocoque?) of the car. How technical!!! And just heard engineer over the radio talking to Rosberg reminding him to use his F duct. I do fine that funny!
Also something interesting about this race that I'm reluctant to write as I am trying to forget it... I'm watching this delayed in the evening on iplayer as have had a nice day out with a friend. But I received two texts about the race and one of them told me something that happened. And it's quite funny knowing (although trying to forget) that with some of the things Red Bull have been saying about being a team...
Lap 14 - Hami's really on the back of Weber. The top four are almost in formation. (see right: Weber, Hamilton, Vetel, Button all on the line)
Lap 14 - Vetel the first of the four to pit from 3rd - Button on the pace to try and pass him.
Lap 15 - Weber and Ham pit together and Web comes out ahead but Vetel gets out between them. Ham loses a place. Where will Button be? So Ham will have to take them on the track now...
Lap 18 - Button rejoins in 4th. (coming out of the pits on the right as the top 3 go down pit straight)

Lap 22 - apparently now due in 8 minutes. Hehehe!

Lap 34 - spots of rain on the camera??
Lap 39 - Hamilton needs those two Red Bulls to start squabbling now. They're not really going to start doing that are they? replies Jonathon...
Lap 40 - It's HAPPENED!!!!! THEY COLLIDED!!!!
Lap 43 - McLaren 1-2 now with Weber in 3rd having pitted for a new nose and stayed ahead of Schuey. Vetel out.
Lap 48-9 (right) I totally don't believe it at all. In exactly the place the two red bulls took each other out, Button goes to overtake Ham... did they not just see what happened between team mates?????? Button got him, but Ham then took him back.
Lap 54 - slight scare that the McLaren fuel situation is critical in that consumption has been too high and they are having to save fuel now. 4 laps to go. I was just thinking that the radio message to Button was code for don't overtake Hamilton, but maybe there is a fuel issue.

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