Last night it was the leaving do for someone at school. In fact, it was one of the other Year 2 teachers who has been an amazing friend to me this year. I realised for the first time yesterday, that I am being hit quite hard in the leavers: my mentor and my fellow year group teacher. I'm just glad no other friend is leaving, otherwise it would be a huge deal for me.
The evening started dropping of some K'Nex at Oxford Science place, and then me and the other year 2 teacher had a drink at mine and got ready. Then it was cocktails (at least 2 maybe 3) before moving onto the restaurant with a glass or two of wine, before any food past my lips. So yes, I was probably beyond tipsy and at one point couldn't remember the name of the person I was talking to! But in truth, I did rather enjoy it. Worryingly for me, I couldn't eat much of my meal, it just wasn't appealing and wasn't helping my drunken state. Moving on then to pub for a jug of pimms and some strange heart to hearts. Back home to bed about 12, but needed to stay awake to drink a lot of water. Entertained myself by listening to the slightly eclectic mix of favourites on YouTube. It wasn't the best night's sleep. At 6am, having been awake for 45 mins, I was contemplating getting up and putting washing on to hang outside. Fortunately fell back to sleep till 8.30 ish.
A gradual get up then it was off to school for the main feature of the day - school Summer Fete! And a glorious day for it. I disaapointed myself and am ashamed that I totally forgot any sun protection at all. No hat, sunglasses or SUN CREAM! And though I have tended to doubt the effectiveness of sun cream I am not forgetting it again as I am now somewhat red. Plenty of cream being applied to my face in the hope I don't start peeling. fortunately I had gone for my OUSDS t-shirt that covers quite a bit. OK, rant over.
I wasn't on a stall, as our Scottish Dancing club were going to be performing and I hadn't been sure of when. But in future I think I would sign up for one, as at times I did feel a bit out on a limb. I did spend a little time helping out on the books. And then joined my great TA and her family on their water and wine stall. They had newspapered bottles which were either filled with water, or were actual bottles of wine! And I had two attempts and got two bottles of wine - what a cool game!
My big moment of the day was our Scottish Dancing performance. And I can't say enough how proud I am of them all. We have been running the club since February, after I did some in my dancing lessons with my class ready for our Scottish Dancing Snowmen in the Christmas production. Since Easter it has definitely got more chilled - I always enjoyed the club but it tended to be rather manic! We met on the playground half an hour early for a little practise. Slightly worrying at first that there were only 5 of them there... we were expecting about 16 but would take whoever turned up! Some of them had made a real effort with their clothing, some tartan dresses (that I would have liked to have!) and a little boy in smart trousers and white shirt! We ended up with 19 children - the last one ran up as we were about to start, so I (somewhat gladly) was her partner. Part of me thought I really shouldn't dance and should let them show what they can do and that's who the parents wanted to see. But I also just love dancing so... I was feeling a little nervous in my stomach as we were waiting to start. We had quite a crowd out. Our first dance was the Flying Scotsman. I was just a little afraid they would start going round the wrong end of the set and was double checking each set (we had three :-) ) knew which direction they were going in. We were dancing on the field outside, so it was quite an alien environment for them. We had taken them out at the end of our last lesson on Thursday which I think was a really good idea. And they did all head off in the right direction!! And of course were totally fab! They have got brilliant at counting in 8s and knowing when to start each phrase. Most of the time they finish the phrases early so there is some standing around, which is something I would work on in future, but I think it kinda cute to see them counting and waiting! We then managed to rearrange ourselves into a circle fairly smoothly ready for Circassian Circle. And for this I just had the biggest smile on my face for the whole thing! It was great because I could be looking at them the whole time and seeing their enjoyment. I found it slightly funny that with the turn our partner at the end, I was usually the last one turning and they were all ready holding hands in a circle ready to go again! I was definitely thinking of Crieff lots. I was aware of spotting a few teachers (including head and deputy) watching from the sides but mainly I was just enjoying plenty! And they were a lovely bunch of children and am so pleased I have got to share my passion and joy with them!
This is turning into an epic. Could it start to rival Tweak of the Week in length??
Helped a bit at the end of the fair to clear up. Including having a bounce with four other teachers on the bouncy castle and then deflating it! Carried a few tables inside, but really didn't do a huge amount. Ended up in the new outdoor classroom where all the books had been and the remainings were being carted off to the skip. Ended up spending a long time with a colleague trying to do a jigsaw that was there. A jigsaw of Scottish Dancers - what are the chances???? It was the only jigsaw there. It was quite idyllic. I don't like writing the word quite. Sometimes I'm meaning it in an 'a lot' sense and sometimes in a 'not very much sense' and I fear it doesn't come across which one I'm meaning. In this context I mean 'a lot'. We were shaded from the sun but there was still some breeze coming through the sides of the classroom. It was certainly a surreal time, but equally enjoyable! The jigsaw had surprise secret shape pieces (which I did find quite exciting!) and disappointingly there were the required 90 pieces, but one of them was wrong! We eventually managed to leave school about 4.30 - 2 hours after the end of the fete!
By this point decisions and conversation were proving tricky (due to my hungover state and general heat), but delightfully we ended up in Blenheim Palace on our latest Vauxhall adventure! It was past closing time for the house and gardens but the park was still open and we were told it wouldn't be closing till 11/midnight!
The grounds are lovely though. Another of Capability Brown's wonders (Croome is too). I am quite a bridge fan (probably another post).
The most ludicrous gate ever? Well maybe joint with the one on the Isle of Wight.
Can't beat time spent in a tree.
Trying to say our registers in front of the lake and bridge and house. We're bizarre but enjoying it!
Getting later in the evening. We were pretty clueless about time most of the day. There was a flock of Canada geese down by the lake pecking away. There was also a stray goose sitting near the top of the slope that turned out only to have one working leg. It was a truly truly bizarre sight to see it hopping along, looking quite drunk! I was actually a bit scared as it lurched towards us!
We were one of only about 4 cars left in the main car park bit when we left, but we think there was a wedding going on in the house, that seemed to have a hot air balloon related to it. A lovely evening and I'd like to visit again for the gardens including the Pleasure Gardens.
We made it back home via a little tour round the gardens of St. Hugh's. Not quite on the same league as Blenheim, but I was proud of it anyway.
So, do you agree? A great day?
This has definitely been a post in the style of my old diary entries - though in more detail? I'm liking it. Fully recording my thoughts of a time, without really going on photos (till the end). Not that I dislike doing posts around photos. Am still needing to do that whole blog v diary post at some point...
This has definitely been a post in the style of my old diary entries - though in more detail? I'm liking it. Fully recording my thoughts of a time, without really going on photos (till the end). Not that I dislike doing posts around photos. Am still needing to do that whole blog v diary post at some point...
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