Big Day. I finally saw my first 3D film. Not counting of course
Honey, I shrunk the audience! Very mixed emotions going into it. Influenced almost entirely by Dr K. He is not a fan. I had heard from some trusted sources (Lizzie) that it was not like the rides we had been on in the past, which I admit was my main expectation and not really what I wanted from a film. After the whole wondering about Avatar thing, it was quite nice to finally just go and see one in 3D. I almost went on Thursday evening by myself. I was fancying the cinema, but Shrek was the only thing I was tempted to see, and as it was only just opening I didn't feel I could bring myself to go, just me. But miraculously, someone I know from dancing emailed a few of us on Friday night asking if we wanted to go over the weekend. So I readily agreed - good to increase my social circle!

Well, to finally get to the point... I was amazed the first time I put the glasses on!! Just for the trailers I thought it looked great and probably had my mouth agape! It seemed so clear and it really felt that one person was in front of another! I wasn't particularly interested in things rushing towards me, or generally the flying through space/over Grand Canyon feeling, I just liked the mega clarity. So I'm sorry to say Dr K, I liked it! I'm still not sure if I was normally offered the choice of 2 or 3D then I would opt for 2D just becuase it's cheaper. But I wouldn't be adverse to going.
And Shrek 4 itself. It was good. Not quite up there with the others (I can't particularly differentiate them), but still fine. First half I was a little squirmy, then donkey came in and stole the show (
you know what would raise morale around here, flip flop fridays). And I left feeling very happy and smiley and cloud floaty! But also oddly disoriented. I panicked during the film that I didn't have my lights for cycling back, but as it was a 6.15 film it was still light at 8.15 when we came out! But other than a few handfuls of minstrels during the film, I didn't eat anything that evening.
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