Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Go go blogging

I am very proud that yesterday morning I created a new blog.  It is for a group of friends as a way for us to stay in touch.  It was great fun for me to do and made me think I am technologically capable.  The biggest thing I was unsure of was how to make it so that all four of us can contribute.  Fingers crossed that I have done so and I am hopeful that the blog will be used by all.

Interestingly while looking at things on the settings for the new blog, I found lots of things that had arrived since I last searched for ways to do things better on this blog.  I am hopefully going to make some changes to this blog now - primarily the photo at the top.

Here's the photo of the blog as of today, before any changes.  For posterity:

5pm Have made some changes.  A different picture for now.  Don't think it will be up for long, but at least it's slightly thinner!  Also made a little progress with pages, though not quite where I want to be yet.

1 comment:

  1. Oh it's far too long since I looked at this! I love the new layout and picture, and am especially enjoying the 'smiling' photos below!
