Friday 15 June 2018

Weekly chores

I'm enjoying blogging on my new blog, but felt this was a post more suited to here than there. I have now given the new blog address to two people and I think from the stats that one of them has looked at it, but that could just have been me!

Anyway, back to the chores.  When John first went back to work, my aim for the day was a shower and to do the washing up.  I had a list of other things I would like to get done at some point but they were non-essential and could be done at any point if the situation arrived. I was also really lucky that my mum and in-laws were very keen to help out and do jobs when they visited.  Aren't I a lucky new mummy.  So I started a list of things that I used to do, but wasn't doing anymore.  It included things like cleaning the inside of the microwave. 

Now that I was 6 weeks into this new routine, I decided I could start a daily household chore and I lay in bed coming up with ideas.  So I wrote them down, stuck it on the fridge and I have now done a week of it and am feeling very pleased to have accomplished them all.  I am not giving myself a particular time to do it during the day, the hope is that just at some point time (or Bonnie) will allow me to do it.  So here's the list:

wash up
prepare tea

Monday - clear out/clean fridge and freezer
Tuesday - bins (empty and wipe out)
Wednesday - bathroom
Thursday - Bonnie's room
Friday - hoover (ready for any visitors at the weekend!)

Now I don't have to clean the whole bathroom every Wednesday.  I just need to do a bit of it each week. So this week I did the toilet, sink, outside of shower screen and end of the bath.  Hopefully next week I will do some of those and the shower head or inside shower screen.  And obviously I don't only empty bins on Tuesday but I want to make sure I clean some of them on a Tuesday.

Last weekend I also redid the meal planner with two weeks worth of simple meals that I felt I'd be able to prepare, more or less anything without a recipe.  I did an online order and have managed to make some of them this week. Here's that list:

Monday - Vegi haggis, vegetable biriyani
Tuesday - CCC
Wednesday - jacket potato, laksa noodles
Thursday - meatballs and linguine, pancakes
Friday - sausage and mash, pasta bake
Saturday - salmon tikka, fish finger baguette
Sunday - veg lasagne, wraps

I did slightly more complicated ones (well, the lasagne) at the weekend, thinking we might be out and so I wouldn't have to make it that much, but if so would hopefully have more time!  I am keen to keep these meals for a while, but I know John tends to get bored of the same thing after a while.

I wonder how long I will keep all of this up?!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you sound an incredible Mum! To do able to plan and then ever more, do anything after 6 weeks is amazing. I bet your husband loves you! Well done and keep posting. Leigh Brown
